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SETE’s roadshow in the Regions of Greece continues

SETE dynamically continues in 2023 its roadshows for the presentation of the National Strategy for Tourism 2030, focusing on detailed action plans per region.  Next stops are the Regions of Thessaly, Northern Aegean and Epirus.

National Strategy for Tourism 2030 – Action Plans

A holistic approach for a comprehensive National Strategy for Tourism comprising: mapping of the 13 Regions of the country, an analysis of infrastructure, supply and demand and an evaluation of the attractiveness of resources/ products and business plans with 2,000 actions in 36 destinations.

SETE Stands

We envision a Greece in economic and social development maximizing the contribution of tourism. We want tourism to bring together all the valuable "capitals" of Greece, human resources, productive sectors, culture, environment, innovation, to create a higher standard of living for the country.


Press Releases | Announcements
Greece opens the 2021 tourism season
Press Releases | Announcements
Letter to EC: A unified approach towards the re-opening of the European travel and tourism market
Press Releases | Announcements
Advice for travellers from the Discover Greece team
Press Releases | Announcements
Greece welcomes the world
Press Releases | Announcements
Restart of the Greek Economy
Press Releases | Announcements
Plan for the gradual easing of COVID-19 restrictive measures: A bridge of safety toward a new daily reality
Press Releases | Announcements
Letter to EU “Τourism recovery as part for EU’s economic recovery”
Press Releases | Announcements

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The services SETE provides to its Members focus on their active and creative participation in the Confederation’s activities

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