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AKL Law Firm: AKL Law Firm was invited to be the exclusive country contributor to the CEE Legal Matters




AKL Law Firm was invited to be the exclusive country contributor to the CEE Legal Matters Comparative Legal Guide: Real Estate 2021 for Greece.

The CEE Legal Matters Comparative Legal Guide: Real Estate 2021 presents an overview of critical CEE’s real estate matters for investors to keep in mind by looking at critical aspects ranging from real estate ownership, acquisition, financing, and taxes, to condominiums and commercial leases.

“It was an absolute delight to work together with the AKL Law Firm professionals on the Greece chapter for this report,” commented CEE Legal Matters Managing Editor Radu Cotarcea.


“The end of the year is always intense for the legal market and working on this guide was not spared emails exchanged until late into the night. I thank the team at AKL Law Firm for their diligence and responsiveness in working on these projects as well as for their thorough legal insights put forward in the report itself – we could not have identified a better partner to act as our exclusive contributor for Greece.”

Thank you Helen Alexiou and Tomasz Konrad Juszczyk for the amazing work and CEE Legal Matters for the great opportunity!

The full guide is available in electronic format here:

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