Upload your News
Send us your news (business or social responsibility actions) in word format (word97 or 2003) so we can publish them in SETE’s e-Newsletters. SETE’s e-newsletters are sent to the business world of tourism and the wider Greek economy, to the media and to Greek citizens who are interested in developments in the field.
New registration instructions
To register your news in SETE’s e-Newsletters, fill in the News Registration Form below.
To make it easier to process the data of the entry and more effective to post it on the website, please pay attention to the following:
Company / Organization. Fill in your company name.
Contact person. Enter the name of the person responsible for the communication.
E-mail. Write your e-mail.
Registration Title. Fill in a title that you want to accompany your new one.
Word file. Find the Word file that contains your new one and add it. Don’t forget that you can send us more than one news. Attention: The document must be Word 97 or 2003. If your document has a .docx extension, please rename it to .doc before submitting it. If you wish your news to include photos, please attach them and if they are more than the fields offered to you then attach them and send them to our email noting the title of the news mentioned.
Kind. Choose whether your news is about Business News or Member Corporate Responsibility.
If you experience any problem with your listing, please contact us via email.
To register your news use the form below.