Ο τουριστικός κλάδος συνεισφέρει πάνω από το 13% και 21% του ιταλικού και ελληνικού ΑΕΠ αντίστοιχα, με τη δραστηριότητα στον κλάδο να έχει μειωθεί κατά 80% τον τελευταίο χρόνο. Μπορεί όμως να ανακάμψει; Oι Σύλλογοι Αποφοίτων του Πανεπιστημίου Stanford της Ελλάδας και της Ιταλίας σας προσκαλούν σε μία διαδικτυακή ομιλία με ένα πάνελ διακεκριμένων επαγγελματιών που δραστηριοποιούνται στον τουρισμό, στον επιχειρηματικό χώρο, καθώς και στη δημόσια διοίκηση. Οι ομιλητές θα ανταλλάξουν απόψεις σχετικά με την προσέγγιση της κάθε χώρας, θα συζητήσουν για επιτυχημένα μοντέλα, και θα προσπαθήσουν να δώσουν απάντηση στο κρίσιμο ερώτημα του τι επιφυλάσσει το μέλλον για τον τουρισμό στη «νέα κανονικότητα». Η συζήτηση θα διεξαχθεί στα αγγλικά.
Μεταξύ άλλων, θέματα που θα συζητηθούν αφορούν:
– Εξέλιξη και αναμενόμενο αποτέλεσμα εμβολιαστικού προγράμματος
– Πιστοποιητικά εμβολιασμού και τρόπος χρήσης
– Υγειονομικά πρωτόκολλα
– Η περίπτωση του Ισραήλ
– Τουριστικές κρατήσεις και προβλέψεις για την εξέλιξη τους
– Νέες ταξιδιωτικές συνθήκες και μετασχηματισμός της οικονομίας
– Antonio Barreca, Director General – Federturismo Confindustria; Italian Association of Travel and Tourism Industry
– Marco Celani, President of Italian Association of Property Managers (AIGAB) and CEO of Italianway Spa
– Γιάννης Ρέτσος, Πρόεδρος Συνδέσμου Ελληνικών Τουριστικών Επιχειρήσεων (ΣΕΤΕ); CEO – Electra Hotels & Resorts
– Χρήστος Στεργίου (Stanford GSB ‘04), Co-Founder & Executive Chairman – Triparound; Founder & CEO – TrueTrips, CEO Petra Hotel & Suites
Συντονίστρια: Χριστίνα Πουτέτση, Τουριστικό Ρεπορτάζ, Δημοσιογράφος – Protagon.gr
Ώρα Έναρξης: 18.00
Antonio Barreca
Antonio Barreca is, since 2011, the General Director of the Italian Association of Travel and Tourism Industry, Federturismo which has more than 8000 members and represents the biggest companies in the Tourism and Transport sector. He is a graduate in Political Science from Luiss University in Rome and has a PhD in Public Law from the University of Perugia. He has attended two executive courses at Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government in 2013 and 2015. After an experience at the Economic Department of the Presidency of the Italian Council, he went to Brussels for 10 years where he served as Head of EU Affairs for Federturismo Confindustria. He has worked also for the Economic and Social Committee and with the European Parliament. In 2014 he served as Senior Advisor for Tourism for the Region of Sicily. He was Member of the Tourism Sustainability Group of the European Commission (since February 2011), Vice President of the Tourism Committee at the Italian Organization for Standardization (UNI), an association that publishes standards for industrial, commercial and tertiary sectors. Since March 2008, he has been managing national and international activities in the field of standardization of the tourism sector and has attended the world annual meeting of the ISO TC/228 as the Italian delegate. He is, among others, a contract professor at Luiss University and at Luiss Business School.
Marco Celani
Marco Celani was born in Rome and spent his life between Nigeria, Milan, Luxembourg and Scotland. He studied Economics in Siena University, deepened his management studies in SDA Bocconi University and enjoys lecturing in several Italian Masters in Tourism. He spent part of his career within finance and management roles at BNP Paribas, Credit Agricole and Citibank. He is the CEO of “Italianway S.p.A.”, the main Italian network of property managers, offering a wide range of services to affiliates, while promoting thousands of apartments and villas to a worldwide audience on multiple online channels. He serves as President of the “Short Term Rental Italian Association”, member of the “European Home Hospitality Association”.
Yiannis Retsos
Yiannis Retsos was born in Athens in 1969. He graduated from the Law School of the University of Athens in 1992 and received his M.P.S. in Hotel Management from CORNELL University in 1995, with concentration in Hospitality Real Estate Finance. He is the CEO and one of the main shareholders of “Electra Hotels & Resorts S.A.”, a hotel company that owns and operates six hotels in Greece (Athens, Thessaloniki, Rhodes & Kefallonia). Yiannis Retsos is the President of the “Greek Tourism Confederation” (SETE) and of “Marketing Greece S.A.”, since May 2017. Since March 2020, he serves as a member of the General Council of The Bank of Greece. From 2011-2017, he served as the President of the “Hellenic Hotel Federation” and from 2009-2012, as the President of the “Athens-Attica-Argosaronic Hotel Association”.
Christos Stergiou
Christos Stergiou is the Founder and CEO of luxury travel company TrueTrips, Co-Founder and Executive Chairman of travel tech company Triparound, and owner of the Petra Hotel & Suites on the Greek island of Patmos. Since 2008, Christos has been named one of the world’s Top Travel Specialists by Condé Nast Traveler Magazine, and since 2009 he has been included in Travel and Leisure’s A-List of top travel specialists globally. In 2019, building on the success of TrueTrips, which he has grown to offer luxury vacations in 14 countries, he co-founded Triparound, a SaaS company that brings travel planning into the future. Christos graduated Magna Cum Laude in Economics and ΦΒΚ from Brandeis University and spent three years working at leading economic consulting firm Charles River Associates before starting his entrepreneurial journey. He also holds an MBA from the Stanford Graduate School of Business.
Christina Poutetsi
Christina Poutetsi is a journalist focusing on tourism and a communications professional. She is a columnist at the news analysis website “PROTAGON” (www.protagon.gr). Her career started in the corporate communications field and from 2005 until 2017 she joined the leading newspaper “TO VIMA” as a tourism and international business editor. She has undertaken journalistic missions in several countries (i.e. USA, South Korea, Hong Kong, Thailand, Egypt, Lithuania), and conducted interviews with distinguished speakers, academics and high rank executives. Christina was recognized for her work in 2014 with the “Citi Journalistic Excellence Award”, administered by Columbia University in New York, where she later attended the «International Journalists Seminar». She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Political Science and Public Administration – specializing in International and European Studies – from the University of Athens, and a Master of Arts (MA) in Communications Policy, from City University of London. She has moderated various tourism panels, and curated the first conference on Sharing Economy organized by the Municipality of Athens “Sharing Tourism Growth” (2018).